Friday, March 12, 2010

msiexec syntax

Windows ® Installer. V 4.5.6002.18005

msiexec /Option [Optional Parameter]

Install Options

/i Product.msi

Installs or configures a product

Administrative install - Installs a product on the network
/j [/t ] [/g ]
Advertises a product - m to all users, u to current user

Uninstalls the product
Display Options
Quiet mode, no user interaction
Unattended mode - progress bar only
Sets user interface level
n - No UI

b - Basic UI
r - Reduced UI
f - Full UI (default)
Help information
Restart Options
Do not restart after the installation is complete
Prompts the user for restart if necessary
Always restart the computer after installation
Logging Options
i - Status messages
w - Nonfatal warnings
e - All error messages
a - Start up of actions
r - Action-specific records
u - User requests
c - Initial UI parameters
m - Out-of-memory or fatal exit information
o - Out-of-disk-space messages
p - Terminal properties
v - Verbose output
x - Extra debugging information
+ - Append to existing log file
! - Flush each line to the log
* - Log all information, except for v and x options
Equivalent of /l*
Update Options
/update [;Update2.msp]
Applies update(s)
/uninstall [;Update2.msp] /package
Remove update(s) for a product
Repair Options

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Cluster.exe of Windows 2008 SP2

C:\>cluster black group /status
Listing status for all available resource groups:

Group Node Status
-------------------- --------------- ------
Available Storage 2008N1 Offline
BlackDtc 2008N2 Online
Cluster Group 2008N2 Online
SQL2005Green 2008N1 Online
SQL2005White 2008N1 Online

C:\>cluster black group blackdtc /moveto:2008n1

Moving resource group 'blackdtc'...

Group Node Status
-------------------- --------------- ------
blackdtc 2008N1 Online

C:\>cluster black /version
Cluster Name: Black
Cluster Version: 6.0 (Build 6002: Service Pack 2)
Cluster Vendor: Microsoft(R) Cluster service

C:\>cluster /list
Cluster Name

Monday, March 8, 2010

Change SID on Windows 2008

In previous version of Windows, we can use NewSID tool.

This tool can not use in Windows Server 2008 and later.

A new tool become candidate is "SYSPREP.EXE" included in Windows Server 2008 that we can use it by type sysprep in RUN dialog, SYSPREP Preparation Tool appear.

If you want to create a new SID, remember to CHECK the “Generalize” checkbox.

During the following reboot a new SID is automatically generated - and you will have to type in your Product/License Key, provide a new Computer Name, select an Administrator Password etc.